Monday, March 21, 2011

Community: March 32?

With every April Fools prank you have to worry about the backlash. But who would expect April 1st to be taken away and replaced with March 32?

Season 1 Episode 20 - The Science of Illusion

Finally, an entire episode dedicated to April Fools Day. These are few and far between. The main plot follows Britta  as she tries to impress the gang with a prank. But when she breaks into the the biology lab to steal a frog (which she intends to put a sombrero on and stick in Chang's desk, since he is afraid of frogs), she kills the frog and knocks a cadaver out the window.

A prank gone horribly wrong seems to follow traditional April Fools' Day storylines, but the real gold is the gag Jeff and Abed pull on gullible Pierce, tricking him into wearing a wizard robe around campus by convincing him it is part of a Buddhist ceremony.

There's also Annie and Shirley trying to one-up each other as tough cops (security guards) and Dean Pelton's war on April 1 (March 32nd to him). Maybe one of the best April Fools' Day themed episodes in recent memory.

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