Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Mother's Day: The Nanny

If you have lost your mother, is it better to try and forget Mother's Day all together? Or do you spend the day remembering the good?

Mr. Sheffield thinks the kids should be distracted on Mother's Day but Fran thinks it is important for the kids to remember their mom.

The Nanny Season 1 Episode 22 "I Don't Remember Mama"

Mr. Sheffield likes to distract his children on Mother's Day. These year he joins a country club. He should have checked its calendar of events first. They have a mother daughter pageant on Mother's Day weekend and Gracie wants to enter. Frannie fills in as "Mom" And everything seems to be fine until the pageant director finds out that Fran is just the nanny.

Fran and Gracie end up still in the pageant. They do a wonderfully fun musical number together.

And Mr. Sheffield comes around to talking about the children's mother. The episode ends with the family sitting around watching an old family movie.

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