Friday, May 6, 2011

Mother's Day: Desperate Housewives

With Mother's Day being this Sunday, I just want to wish all the moms out there a happy Mother's Day. This has been a great holiday to find television specials for. If you have missed some along the way check out our Mother's Day page.

Desperate Housewives Season 4 Episode 15 "Mother Said"

Edie finds out that Benjamin is not Bree's son but really her daughter, Danielle's. Edie uses this information to blackmail Bree. Edie wants to be invited to parties and the weekly poker game. She wants Bree to treat her like a best friend. Bree can only handle so long and tells Gaby, Lynette and Susan the truth. They storm Edie's house and tell her she has gone too far and are no longer her friend.

Susan's mother-in-law comes to town. She wants to help Susan with cooking and the house because Mike has been complaining to her. When Susan asks Mike to stop complaining to his mom, he says that she is just trying to help. Susan uses club soda to fake her water breaking to get out of lunch with Mike and his mom.

Lynette and Tom get help from a family counselor after Tom's daughter, Kayla gets Preston to jump off the roof. The doctor tells Lynette to spend more time alone with Kayla but that only leads to Lynette slapping Kayla after Kayla threats Penny. During Mother's Day breakfast, Kayla calls doctor and tells him that Lynette has been hitting her.

The full episode is available on hulu plus or Netflix instant watch. 

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