Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Tax Day: The Tax Man Cometh

So what would you do if your wife does your taxes and the you get audited? Sell her hair to pay the debt of course. That is Al Bundy's solution.

Married with Children Season 4 Episode 15 "A Taxing Problem"

The Bundys and the IRS
Tags: The Bundys and the IRS

Al receives a letter from the IRS stating he is going to be audited. He wants to sue whoever messed up his taxes until he finds out it was Peg. Now he just has to come up with the money to pay the debt.

It seems the want ads has all the answers. A desperate woman seeking real hair preferably red to make a wig from. But will Peggy sell her hair for $5000? Or will she sell the dog's?

The full episode is available on hulu.

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