Friday, April 1, 2011

Happy April Fools Day!

Happy April Fools Day Everybody! 

We have posted so many great April Fools clips from our favorite shows. It would be a shame if you missed any of them. So here is just a little reminder of our "April Fools Day" tab. Just click on it and you get links to all our April Fools posts. And who knows it might just inspire some last minute pranks. Happy Fooling!

Here is a post that most of you probably missed. We originally posted it on March 19th. But it seems right to post Origins of April Fools Day on April Fools Day especially when it includes some great Homer and Bart Simpson pranks.


As far as holidays go, April Fools' gets the shaft in the holiday hierarchy. But what other day gives you permission to humiliate your boss, teacher or spouse? So are The Simpsons pulling our chains with their pagan origins story? Even back in season 4, I wouldn't put it past Matt Groening and company.

Season 4, episode 18 - So It's Come to This: A Simpsons Clip Show

Classic April Fools material. The show actually aired on April 1, 1993, but its still a classic today. Isn't it great how Homer and Bart haven't seemed to grasp what's "over the line?" The gag culminates in Bart pulling the ultimate prank, shaking a beer can in a paint mixing machine. The subsequent beer explosion ("We need pretzels, repeat pretzels") puts Homer in the hospital and kicks off a clip show as the family reminisces.

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