Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Easter: Will it ever get here?

Getting tired of waiting around for Easter this year? Ready for chocolate bunnies and Cadbury eggs? This is one of the latest possible dates for Easter, so I say stop waiting and start celebrating. All the best Easter treats are already in the store and the best that television has to offer on the subject will be on this blog leading up to the big day.

To start us off is Ugly Betty. We always expect crazy outfits from Betty but this time it is her boss getting into the holiday spirit.

Ugly Betty, Season 3 Episode 20 "Rabbit Test"

This episode is all about saving Mode. There's layoffs and magazines closing. There's furniture being carried away. Wilhelmina and Daniel decide it is time for drastic actions. They turn to Betty's boyfriend, Matt Hartley for help. well, actually to Matt's dad, Cal. And in an effort to impress, Daniel has to get dressed up as the Easter Bunny and make a full of himself at the Hartley family's charity Easter party.

This is also a big episode for Christina. She realizes that the baby she carried for Wilhelmina might actually be her biological son and not Wilhelmina's.

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