Monday, April 11, 2011

Easter McHale's Navy

This flashback from the 60's, in all its black and white glory, has a whole episode surrounding Easter. An admiral has eggs sent to the base for himself everyone wants to get their hands on them. But the village kids really want an Easter egg hunt.

McHale's Navy Season 3 Episode 27 "Chuckie Cottontail"

After stealing the eggs from storage the guys make eggnog with some really awful alcohol that they could sell. When some Japanese soldiers enter camp, they steal the eggnog and get drunk.

Parker dresses up as the Easter Bunny for the kids' egg hunt. After returning to camp to find his missing tail, we runs into the admiral and two other officers who have been tied up with the drunk Japanese soldiers. The Japanese soldiers think he is a forest demon and surrender.

The whole episode is available on hulu.

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